Package price not honest
- 2 months ago
If you have reached deadlock with VM and VM has said to go to the ombudsman, then you should be provided with a deadlock letter by VM. You can use that to go to the ombudsman or, if 8 weeks have passed since you first complained to VM, you can go to the ombudsman without need of the letter. Process is explained below
There is some useful advice below about preparing evidence for the ombudsman
The above was actually for a delayed installation claim but the principles are the same. Set out the sequence of events in a timeline that is easy for the adjudicator to understand. Support the entries on the timeline with whatever evidence you have available (such as emails, messages, screenshots etc.)
If you need further evidence you might need to put in a DSAR to get that
People who have used the ombudsman, and reported back in topics on here, have said it was a fair and accessible process.