Forum Discussion

MindSanctuary's avatar
Tuning in
4 days ago


TimePriorityDescription04-02-2025 20:33:32noticeGUI Login Status - Login Success from LAN interface04-02-2025 18:34:42noticeGUI Login Status - Login Success from LAN interface04-02-2025 17:41:41noticeREGISTRATION COMPLETE - Waiting for Operational status04-02-2025 17:41:36warningRNG-RSP CCAP Commanded Power in Excess of 6 dB Below the Value Corresponding to the Top of the DRW;CM-MAC=[REMOVED]CMTS-MAC=[REMOVED];CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;04-02-2025 17:41:29noticeDS profile assignment change. DS Chan ID: 32; Previous Profile: ; New Profile: 1 2 3.;CM-MAC=18[REMOVED];CMTS-MAC=[REMOVED];CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;04-02-2025 17:41:28noticeTLV-11 - unrecognized OID;CM-MAC=1[REMOVED];CMTS-MAC=0[REMOVED];CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;04-02-2025 17:41:21warningDHCP WARNING - Non-critical field invalid in response ;CM-MAC=[REMOVED];CMTS-MAC=[REMOVED];CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;04-02-2025 17:41:19noticeHonoring MDD; IP provisioning mode = IPv404-02-2025 17:41:06criticalSYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing;;CM-MAC=1[REMOVED];CMTS-MAC=[REMOVED]0;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;04-02-2025 17:41:05criticalCable Modem Reboot because of - unknown03-02-2025 09:51:28critical16 consecutive T3 timeouts while trying to range on upstream channel 8;CM-MAC=[REMOVED];CMTS-MAC=[REMOVED];CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;03-02-2025 09:51:28criticalUnicast Maintenance Ranging attempted - No response - Retries exhausted;CM-MAC=[REMOVED];CMTS-MAC=[REMOVED];CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;03-02-2025 09:50:20criticalStarted Unicast Maintenance Ranging - No Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=[REMOVED];CMTS-MAC=[REMOVED];CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;03-02-2025 06:52:06criticalSYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing;;CM-MAC=1[REMOVED];CMTS-MAC=[REMOVED];CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;03-02-2025 06:52:06criticalCable Modem Reboot because of - unknown02-02-2025 21:15:05criticalNo Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=[REMOVED];CMTS-MAC=00:01:5c:9f:92:73;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;02-02-2025 21:14:57criticalSYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing;;CM-MAC=[REMOVED];CMTS-MAC=[REMOVED];CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;02-02-2025 21:14:46criticalNo Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=[REMOVED];CMTS-MAC=[REMOVED];CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;02-02-2025 21:14:40criticalSYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing;;CM-MAC=[REMOVED];CMTS-MAC=[REMOVED];CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1;02-02-2025 21:14:40criticalCable Modem Reboot because of - Reboot Factory reset UI


[Mod edit - MAC's removed]

  • Tudor's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Totally do not understand why you think you have been hacked. 

    1) there is no evidence in those logs, just normal messages 

    2) there are no known hacks of a DOCSIS connection.

    Please explain your problem fully.

  • nodrogd's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Looks like a communication problem with the CMTS. Could be RF noise related or a hub issue. How is your connection behaving? 

      • Matthew_ML's avatar
        Forum Team

        Hey MindSanctuary, thank you for reaching out and I am sorry you feel you have been hacked.

        What makes you feel you have been hacked?

        Also I can see you are in PM with my colleague please feel free to ask them to look into this.