On Friday, your colleague Carley S, after almost two weeks of conversation sent an agreement to me that I was happy with. Carley told me that in this agreement, our second Tivo box could not be included in the specification but sent to me a separate email confirming that it would be included. Carley told me that the agreement would be activated the following day ie 14.10.23. On 14.10.23, you updated my agreement and it included the second Tivo box. However the amount quoted was £31 per month more than the agreement with Carley. I wrote to Carley about this on Saturday but have had no response. The amount you claim that I have agreed is higher than the many previous offers and you do not have any paperwork to this effect. Is this fraud?
I am running out of patience now and it seems to me that you now need to honour the agreement I have with you by close of play on Friday. You also need to explain to me why as an organisation you are so incompetent/vindictive and compensate me accordingly. I have been a long standing customer of yours and can see the offers for new customers. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
The messages with Carley S along with the evidence I have sent should be visible to you, do not think for one moment I am going to start this process again.
I hope this makes the situation clear to you.