jpeg1 wrote:
Do make sure you have the contract conditions in writing, saying clearly what the monthly payments will be. Do not rely on what you think may have been promised earlier.
Yes just to clarify what happened with me.
I originally looked at the 'upgrade/offers' available via my account online. Having gone through the first couple of 'continue' stages you are presented with a tick box kind of page (i.e the 'commit to contract stage'). I, and probably the OP, did not proceed any further. Both of us received 2 pre-contract documents and probably wondered if we had unwittingly agreed to a new activated contract when all we were doing was 'window shopping'. Ignored these pre-contract docs given the assurances in this thread and the fact that nothing had changed in the account i.e. no activation.
Roll on to today where I ring up retentions (circa 8 am), got through very quickly and was offered a new 18m contract (with the same current package) with a much more generous discount than I was expecting so I accepted without hesitation. I received the same 2 pre-contract documents that I received when I was window shopping as per previous paragraph albeit with the package £ amounts agreed to in the phone call. The difference was that a few hours later I now received an email with the contract document proper (replicated in my account as well) with all details correct (price, package, start and end dates of discount) as per the earlier phone call.
Got to say that VM has got it right (so far) with my re-contracting so no complaints from me😁