Thanks, I did not click any links in the VM email, and unsure if it genuine.
As the IP address is not VM I checked it out, and found it is actually Sparkpost.
I have had recent spam emails originating from Sparkpost often on my email and also on a yahoo email, but they are email client and also some emails I get from them are genuine.
Outlook did not identify the VM email as spam so unusual.
If this email is not genuine it would be unusual as the content appears genuine and in the exact normal format of most VM emails although it has my first name in the email, usually it is the surname. so if it is a scam email it is extremely good. The header is similar to most VM emails but seems to have a lot of padding and longer than most VM headers.
My email address is used both on the VM account and also the VM community and not much else and does not usually get spam emails as it was set up just for VM contacts. It is possible Sparkpost know my VM contact outlook email somehow, I could if needed change the contact email.
I will keep a check to see if I receive any more of these VM update emails.
If anyone else gets this email please reply to the post