Old Virginmedia email account hacked. Threatening emails received demanding money in Bitcoin
- 4 months ago
Webber17 wrote:The email they sent confirms they know the password to the virginmedia email account. So they have hacked it? Is that right?
As goslow has posted, no it isn't.
Over the years many people who have received that type of scam email have noted that the password quoted by the scammer is not actually their email password.
In most cases it's the password they use (in conjunction with their email address) to access another online account. In fact, even then, they often say that it's an old password that they changed a long time ago.
Reusing passwords on multiple accounts makes it easy for hackers and they could access your email account if they wanted to.
However, as goslow has said, if your VM email account has been hacked the hacker would most likely be using it for their own illegal purposes. If you are not seeing any evidence of that then there's a chance the account as not been hacked (YET!)
You can enter your VM email address into this website to see if it has ever been part of a data breach https://haveibeenpwned.com/ It's a well respected website by the way and it's the best way to check that.
In fact you can also use that website to check whether your password has been part of a data breach. Check the address and password for your current email account as well. If that comes up as being pwned then change your password immediately and take advantage of any additional security, such as 2 factor authentication, that the provider offers.
"If VM close this email account does it mean they can still use the email to try to log in to the remaining online accounts that have it as the user name?"
Simple answer, yes.
When you sign into an online account there is no check made to ensure the email address in the username is actually live. So, if you have reused the same password as the one quoted in the scam email with any other online accounts , then they can still access these other online accounts even if the email account gets deleted.
So, I would suggest that your most important first step should be to update the username on all those online accounts that are still linked to your VM email address. If you cannot change the current username then you need to consider closing that online account and setting up a new one using your current email account and a brand new password.