Forum Discussion
- Buffer6Legend
Update this morning
Now up to build 19045.5371
- MrHalfAsleepCommunity elder
I've had 50 blue screens since 27th November.
- Buffer6Legend
@ MrHalfAsleep
BSOD logs
That's is really bad, probably old hardware no longer able to cope with modern day loads
- MrHalfAsleepCommunity elder
I was about to post a reply here, but my 51st BSOD had other ideas.
- MrHalfAsleepCommunity elder
There is a broken USB port on it which arcs occasionally, so it could be that. I no longer use it and I've been toying with fixing it myself.
- Buffer6Legend
Updates this morning
Now up to build 19045.5011
- Buffer6Legend
Update tonight
Now up to build 19045.4529
- Buffer6Legend
Windows preview updates from last night
I got a lot of problems with these updates. stuck on 0% downloading
Tried all the recommended fixes (troubleshooter, stopping and starting services, deleting the update cache etc;)
with no luck. Then I went to Windows Catalogue, manually downloaded and installed the msu files
that worked this morning.
That was the eventual fix, after a lot of faffing about
So this morning up and running with the latest preview build
Now up to build 19045.4598
- Buffer6Legend
Updates today
Now up to build 19045.4651
- Buffer6Legend
More Updates today
Now up to build 19045.4474
- Buffer6Legend
Security update this morning
- AdduxiVery Insightful Person
I use my computers as I would any tool. Turn it on, do a job, switch it off again. I don't spend hours trawling through the Event logs. I had enough of that when I worked in IT ...... 😉
- Buffer6Legend
Updates today
Now up to build 19045.4355
- MrHalfAsleepCommunity elder
March 26, 2024—KB5035941 (OS Build 19045.4239) Preview
The above (linked page) update makes no mention of the Co-pilot app that will appear in the system tray. Fortunately if you don't want it (I don't) it can be uninstalled. I wish they'd knock it off with irrelevant faddy rubbish, but that's probably too much to expect.
netio.sys seems to have stopped giving me a BSOD at least. IRQ not equal and various others for no apparent reason.
- MrHalfAsleepCommunity elder
I'm back on the BSODS.🙄
- MrHalfAsleepCommunity elder
Microsoft Updates it's "Fix" for KB5034441 Error 0x80070643 on Windows 10
- Buffer6Legend
Updates today
Now up to build 19045.4291
- MrHalfAsleepCommunity elder
Got this one the other day:
April 9, 2024-KB5037036 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5, 4.8 and 4.8.1 for Windows 10 Version 22H2
After trawling through Event Viewer and finding nothing wrong with the netio.sys crashes, I found a lot of "information" that winlogon.exe was taking 156 seconds to start; which is one example of a systemwide slowdown. Various services were also taking several seconds to start; slowing things down even more. Having 3 (Chromium based) browsers doesn't help either as Chrome (11), Edge (12) and Avast (10) fire up several instances of themselves chonking into memory as they go.
There were also some interesting things in the Security section* (nothing to with the CVE**) that could fixed (hopefully) by this update, but I'm not holding my breath. I won't go into detail as I could be (unwittingly) causing more problems.
Relying on a competitors browser/open source code isn't a good idea as they slow Microsoft's Windows (95/98/98SE/ME/2000/XP etc) down to a crawl, advertising their own products (e.g Chrome OS/Android) as a speedier alternative.
*if you have VSC (Visual Studio Code) installed.
**See the above link for more details. Bordering on Computer Science.
- Buffer6Legend
Cumulative update this morning, a bit slow, installs twice
Now up to build 19045.4123
- Buffer6Legend
Updates tonight
Now up to build 19045.4170
- MrHalfAsleepCommunity elder
Got these earlier... doesn't seem to crash as much now. Took about 1½ hours.
Windows 10 11 Patch Tuesday fixes two critical zero days and many important security flaws
- MrHalfAsleepCommunity elder
Another Brian video...
Windows 10 User? Watch This Video
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