Forum Discussion
I have an Asus P8P67 pro mobo and a I7 2600 K cpu. I dont have any kind of TPM device with that so I will never be able to try windows 11.
My computer will run anything any other computer can run and just as efficiently.
The new requirements for TPM are simply an artificial means of making sure everyone has to upgrade their hardware.
Note the changes to hardware over the last 12 years have been miniscule compared to the 5 years prior to that.
Hardware manufacturers have run out of ideas and so Microsoft put this ridiculous requirement for TPM onto windows 11.
Luckily I mainly use Linux anyway but it would have been nice to try it. I'm not spending £1500 just to have a better
rig, though, so I'll just wait till the missus gets a better computer but she will prolly go with an Apple computer.
I just use windows 10 for games
- ravenstar683 years agoVery Insightful Person
Is your mobo a Asus P8P67-M PRO
If so it may actually have a TPM header on it.
You'd need to purchase the TPM module though.
Edit - do double check before you spend any money though.
- -tony-3 years agoAlessandro Volta
Oyster TPM requirement can be bypassed as can the need for a later CPU
seems Microsoft set the requirement and then offer a workaround - odd but true
- MickelCK3 years agoJoining in
In my opinion, Windows 11 is the best windows till date. The UI and UX are great, with auto updates installation.
- Dominatez3 years agoSuperfast
Not True.
There is a hack to allow the machines that cannot install Windows 11 to install it.
And for everyone else. I have been using Ubuntu for years and i am at 20.04LTS and it dual boots along with Windows 10. I spend more time on it than i do on Windows. Try it, as i find it to be way more flexible. And you can run all your windows programs etc using an emulator called WINE.
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