Forum Discussion
My windows crashed- wifi switched off, would only work on ethernet.
After I did some fault finding which is not easy in windows 11, I reset windows 11 and wifi still did not work.
I lost most of my programmes also, so still putting them back on.
I eventually found the windows firewall had switched off connections to the wifi adapter, and I ticked them manually to fix the issue, it was in flight mode but could not get out of flight mode, even a firewall reset did not work.
The issue may have been caused by a clash of software during updates of windows, but resetting windows removed a lot programmes, one may have interfered with the firewall settings.
The old windows 10 had auto deleted so I could not roll back to windows 10 which was a concern. This has at least solved my storage issue so I now have 18gb spare on c drive.
I've found that you rarely need to fall back to a previous version of Windows, so losing W10 is unlikely to be a big deal.
I suggest running with minimum apps and gradually installing more may help identify a problem app.
- newapollo4 years agoVery Insightful Person
I keep a back up of my documents, pictures, music and extra non windows programs on an external usb hard drive
- enlli4 years agoVery Insightful Person
Having used Linux for years before coming back to Windows 10 I think I will give this a miss.
If forced to upgrade then it's back to Linux
- ALF284 years agoSuper solver
The new windows 11 works well on my acer computer and is fast, however it will only work on newer computers with sufficient memory/storage and fast processor.
My older laptop from 2014 will not update to windows 11 as the processor is not suitable, so it will stay on window10 which will be supported till 2025.
This seems to happen about every 7 years, I still have an old xp computer from 2007 which is no longer supported.
Same with android, my tablet will not update, running old android kitkat.
This means older computers are then redundant as not supported, unless switching to linux which I have not tried but may give it a go in the future.
There is a health check download from microsoft will advise if the computer will run windows 11, but windows updates also advise if you can install windows 11 and give you the option for a free update.
The windows 11 is intended to run android apps, which are bought on amazon, so you need an amazon account but I am not sure it is available yet.
I had some hickups installing windows 11, and with it being new hard to find my way around the settings and not as easy as windows10 which I was used to.
All my programmes work with windows 11 so that was good, but it takes a while to get used to the different layout, a lot is the same as windows 10.
That is the only snag, to run windows 11 you may need to upgrade/replace your computer or stay with windows 10 which has a limited life probably 3 years left.
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