Forum Discussion
WINDOWS 11- free upgrade to windows 10.
Running windows 11 now and seems good, it took 2 days to get the download to work, due to insufficient storage. Also I had to use a usb pen during the installation for temporary files. (I used 64gb)
Windows 11 needs a microsoft account set up, so I set that up in windows 10 ready for the update.
Windows 11 download and installation kept failing several times with error codes due to storage, so I had to delete some unusued stuff to make space, I eventually managed the windows 11 install, with 2gb spare on C drive which is only 64gb ssd drive. The old windows 10 remains also on the C drive in case of rollback.
The layout has changed but is very similar to windows 10, cortana not active but can be added.
I also downladed update kb5007215 (26/12/2021) and a driver update to my laptop, two more updated are pending kb5008215 & kb5006363, not sure why pending.
My older laptop is still on windows10, too old to update to windows11, but I think windws 10 will be supported till 2025.
All my files and programmes were saved but I did back up my data to a flash drive, one local account was removed by choise to make space, not sure if windows 11 home does local accounts, but I will now use the microsoft account which has a pin login.
ALF28 wrote:<snip> Windows 11 needs a microsoft account set up, so I set that up in windows 10 ready for the update.
Windows 11 Pro does not need a MS account, you can just use a local account. I've always used the Pro versions of Windows, especially as you get full disk encryption with Bitlocker.
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