Blog Post
Well for a start what people do forget is 2gbs is all good if your in an area that has full fibre, but those that is not have to wait many years I am guessing. But the other thing is your devices, getting the hub 5x router will not do anything if your devices does not have a 2.5gbs or 10gbs ethernet card on your device. Most desktop PC's the last years still only have 1gbs max so you will only get 940ish mbs download and not the 1160mbs.
So same for 2gbs you will not get the 2200mbs rather 940mbs. You might get it via wifi but again depends on how old your phone or ipad/laptops are.
As it stands I am happy with the 1gbs for now because I do not have a device that can handle it. Plus I am still on coax docsis 3.1 in my area. I doubt my area will get the full fibre treatment anytime soon but that would give me and everyone else time to save up and get new PC's that have the 2.5gb or 10gb ethernet ports on their pcs.