Blog Post
Do you appreciate that this is truly a step backwards, not forwards.
Saying 'recordings' used to take you to both Recordings and Planned Recordings, now you are saying I need to remember two voice commands, not one, truly a step backards, not forwards.
Do you eve consider the elderly when you make these backwards changes. It took me an age to find where my Planned Recordings were.
Let's look at the changes
V6 Recordings and Planned Recordings = 1 button press
Before update Recordings
V360 Click Home, right arrow 6 clicks = Recordings or 1 Voice Command
After update Recordings
V360 Click Home, right arrow 6 clicks = Recordings or 2 Voice Commands, one for Recordings and one for Planned Recordings.
Truely, genuinely a step backwards, especially for the erderly trying to keep up with changes that are neither announced or considered.
For emphasis, truely, geninely a step backwards. Please reinstate the 'Recordings' taking you to both recordings and planned recordings.